John Hancock Emerging Markets Fund

Portfolio Analysis

FinanceMap’s portfolio analysis is based on the Paris Agreement Capital Transition Assessment (PACTA) tool. PACTA considers the production of the companies in the portfolio in four climate-critical sectors: automotive, electric power, oil & gas production, and coal mining. Forecasting production five years into the future, the tool compares the future production effectively owned by the portfolio to the forward-looking prescriptions of the IEA Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (NZE).
Asset Management Group
Fund Domicile
United States
Total Net Assets
Last Updated

Exposure Analysis

Fossil fuel companies are those whose primary sector falls within coal mining and services, or up-, mid-, and downstream oil and gas sectors. Green companies are defined as companies having over 75% revenue deriving from Substantial Contribution to Mitigation activities under the EU Taxonomy.

Portfolio Paris Alignment

Equity Portfolio Paris Alignment

Portfolio Paris Alignment by Sector

Sector Paris Alignment scores for the sectors in which the fund has shareholdings. FinanceMap Paris Alignment analysis is limited to the automotive, upstream fossil fuel, and power sectors.
% of Portfolio Value
Sector Paris Alignment