The EU's Green Deal vs The Fossil Gas Industry

An InfluenceMap Report

February, 2022

An analysis of the gas industry's play book to promote fossil gas in Europe

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See coverage in CNN, Tagesspiegel Background, De Wereld Morgen, Frankfurter Rundschau, IPSNews.

This report provides a detailed audit of EU fossil gas sector policy influencing, identifying a systematic attempt to weaken key elements of the EU Green Deal in 2020-21. It maps the sector's efforts to insert fossil gas into Europe's energy future, using coordinated narratives to disassociate the meaning of fossil gas from concerns regarding its GHG emission footprint, while also amplifying political concerns around security of energy supply as a bulwark against tougher regulatory action.

The marked success of this policy influencing is a red flag for the progress of the EU’s Green Deal, suggesting a level of policy capture at a time when the climate crisis and geopolitical tensions are strengthening the case for phasing out fossil gas from the European energy mix.

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